Money worries callback Please complete the form below and we will reply to you, usually within 5 working days. 1. Your information Title* First name(s)* Surname* Previous names (if any) Date of birth* Current address* Address we currently hold for you Postcode* Postcode we currently hold for you Previous addresses, please include postcodes Telephone number* Phone number we currently hold for you Email address* Your agreements with us* Please enter the numbers of the Santander Consumer Finance agreements for which you require information. If you don't have this information please supply the registration numbers of the vehicles concerned. Normal monthly instalment* 2. About your callback Preferred date of callback* Preferred time of callback* 9am - 11am11am - 2pm2pm-5pm We will try to call you back at your preferred time, however during busy periods this may not always be possible. We ask these questions to see if there is any additional help or guidance we can provide. 3. About your financial situation Please can you tell us about your current financial situation? Please provide details here* How long are you expecting your situation to have an impact on your ability to make repayments? Please provide details here* 4. Supporting you Do you have any health or personal conditions that could affect your ability to manage your finances? YesNoPrefer not to say e.g. mental health, physical health, a long-term condition, disability, injury, illness, learning difficulty or addiction. Providing this information will allow us to tailor our support to fit your needs. Are you expecting (or have you had) any changes to your circumstances that could make it harder to manage your finances? YesNo e.g. losing a job, lower income, childcare costs If the details you have supplied meet our Data Protection requirements and we notice any changes, we will update these on our system. Please note it may take up to five working days to reflect these changes on our system. It’s important that you understand how we may use your personal data and the options that you have regarding its use. For further details please visit the Your Data section of our website.