We are aware of scams involving individuals being offered loans for an advanced upfront fee by organisations posing of as a representative of financial services organisations. At SCUK, we do not charge up-front fees for our loans and would not approach you directly in this way. If you think you have been a victim of such a scam, please contact your bank immediately and report it to action fraud.

Protect your information and equipment
Something as simple as activating automatic updates can give you more protection. Find out about this and other recommendations here.
Be discreet online and in public
Being cautious with the information you share on social media, in person and over the phone, can help you improve your security and prevent cases of identity theft. Adopt good practices to control the information you share and who you share it with.

Think before you click or reply
Emails, messages and calls, where the person or company making them is not who they claim to be, are becoming quite common. Learn some simple signs that will help you identify them.
Keep your passwords safe
If you use the same password for all accounts and online platforms, this will be of interest to you. Discover how to create strong passwords that are easy to remember. The longer the password, the more difficult it is to crack it.

If you suspect it, report it
If you get an email asking for your passwords, bank account details or personal information and you’re unsure, report it. Find out how you can do this and help others at the same time.