We understand our responsibility when it comes to building a sustainable environment and combatting climate change. Our sustainability approach is continuously evolving, ensuring our values are reflected in everything we do – we are committed to driving positive change and giving back to the community.
We are part of the Santander Group and are aligned with their sustainability plans and goals – click below to find out more:
As well as developing our approach to sustainability with the wider Group, Santander Consumer Finance are increasingly creating our own independent targets and initiatives. Our response to climate change has been developing over recent years and we continue to explore how we can best support the green transition. Some of our most impactful activities to date include:
The Santander Group is committed to achieving Net Zero by 2050 and within Santander Consumer Finance, we are developing targets and plans to significantly reduce our financed emissions by 2030.

Our Green Ambassadors
At Santander Consumer Finance, we embrace a culture where our colleagues can speak up and be heard. As a result of this and our commitment to our people, community and the planet, we have formed our Green Ambassadors group.

Green financing
Green vehicle financing includes financing to electric vehicles, bicycles and any car with less than 50mg/km of CO2 emissions, such as hybrids, in line with Banco Santander’s Sustainable Finance Classification System.
Santander Consumer Finance in partnership with NetZero.co.uk
We recognise that climate change is one of the biggest challenges we face in society today and we are firmly committed to the objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement to limit global warming.
We continue to make greener choices as an organisation and are proud to offer you the option to calculate your individual carbon footprint through our partnership with NetZero.co.uk. With the ability to measure and take actions to reduce carbon emissions through the Engage Carbon Portal, you have the opportunity to make small and simple changes that can have a positive impact.
*To calculate your carbon footprint you will be redirected to a third party website.

Green Economy
The Santander Group are working to reduce environmental risks and create socially responsible business practices that support the transition towards a Green Economy.